Moving Lines
Reorganizing lines in a buffer is a very common task. While a yank and paste sequence
could be used for each line, there is a better way.
The following keymaps allow a line or group of lines to be easily moved up or down using a single
-- single-line vim . keymap . set ( "n" , "<A-j>" , ":move .+1<CR>==" ) vim . keymap . set ( "n" , "<A-k>" , ":move .-2<CR>==" ) -- multi-line vim . keymap . set ( "v" , "<A-j>" , ":move '>+1<CR>gv=gv" ) vim . keymap . set ( "v" , "<A-k>" , ":move '<-2<CR>gv=gv" ) To see how they work, consider the following buffer:
Initial Conditions a = [ "one", "three", "two", "four", "five", ] NORMAL Top 1:1 Note that the words are out of order, and we would like to fix that. We start by moving the cursor
to the line that we want to move (i.e. the "target" line):
Move to Target Line 2j a = [ "one", "three", "two", "four", "five", ] NORMAL 38% 3:1 With this keymap, hitting A-J allows us to easily move the currently down one position, swapping
its position with the line below it:
Move Current Line <A-j> a = [ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", ] NORMAL 50% 4:1 To get a better idea about what happened, consider the command that executed when we hit A-J :
:move .+1<CR>== The :move command has a call signature:
:m[ove] {address} and moves the current line (or selected lines) to the line below the specified address.
In this case, the specified address is .+1 , which we learned in the ranges chapter means "the
line below the current line". The carriage return causes the preceding command to execute, which is
follows by == , which formats (indents) the line after it is moved.
Let's see how this works with a visual selection . First, let's move the cursor so that the selection
spans three lines:
Select Multiple Lines v 2j a = [ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", ] VISUAL 75% 6:1 Note that although the selection only touches the third line, the entire line is included in the block of lines
to move. Now, move these lines up:
Move Multiple Lines <A-k> a = [ "one", "three", "four", "five", "two", ] VISUAL 62% 5:1 3 lines indented The selected lines have each move up one line, and the line containing "two" (which has previously
been above the selection) is now located below the selection.