Command | Action |
:help | open a help window |
:write | write to a file |
:wq | write to a file and quit window or Vim |
:quit | quit current window (when one window quit Vim) |
Cursor Movement
Command | Action |
[n] h | cursor N chars to the left |
[n] l | cursor N chars to the right |
[n] w | cursor N words forward |
[n] W | cursor N WORDS forward |
[n] e | cursor forward to the end of word N |
[n] E | cursor forward to the end of WORD N |
[n] b | cursor N words backward |
[n] B | cursor N WORDS backward |
0 | cursor to the first char of the line |
^ | cursor to the first CHAR of the line |
[n] $ | cursor to the end of Nth next line |
g_ | cursor to the last CHAR N - 1 lines lower |
Command | Action |
[n] j | cursor N lines downward |
[n] k | cursor N lines upward |
[n] H | cursor to line N from top of screen |
M | cursor to middle line of screen |
[n] L | cursor to line N from bottom of screen |
[n] gg | cursor to line N, default first line |
[n] G | cursor to line N, default last line |
Command | Action |
C-D | Move cursor down one-half page |
C-U | Move cursor up one-half page |
C-B | Move screen up one page |
C-F | Move screen down one page |
Insert Mode
Command | Action |
[n] i | insert text before the cursor N times |
[n] I | insert text before the first CHAR on the line N times |
[n] a | append text after the cursor N times |
[n] A | append text after the end of the line N times |
[n] o | begin a new line below the cursor and insert text, repeat N times |
[n] O | begin a new line above the cursor and insert text, repeat N times |
[n] cc | Delete the current line then enter INSERT mode |
[n] C | change from the cursor position to the end of the line, and N-1 more lines [into register x]; synonym for "c$" |
c$ | Delete from the cursor position to the end of the line, and enter INSERT mode |
cw | Delete from the cursor position to the end of the current word, and enter INSERT mode |
ce | Delete from the cursor position to the end of the current word, and enter INSERT mode |
ciw | Delete the current inner-word, and enter INSERT mode |
[n] s | (substitute) delete N characters [into register x] and start insert |
[n] S | delete N lines [into register x] and start insert; synonym for "cc". |
Visual Mode
Command | Action |
o | move cursor to other corner of area |
O | move horizontally to other corner of area |
Esc | Return to NORMAL mode |
aw | extend highlighted area with "a word" |
ab | extend highlighted area with a () block |
aB | extend highlighted area with a {} block |
at | extend highlighted area with a tag block |
ib | extend highlighted area with inner () block |
iB | extend highlighted area with inner {} block |
it | extend highlighted area with inner tag block |
Command | Action |
[n] r{char} | replace N chars with {char} |
R | enter replace mode: overtype existing characters, repeat the entered text N-1 times |
J | Join N lines; default is 2 |
gJ | join lines without inserting space |
gwip | Reflow the current paragraph |
u | undo changes |
Cut & Paste
Command | Action |
[n] yy | Yank the current line |
yiw | Yank inner word |
y$ | Yank to end of current line |
[n] Y | Yank to end of current line |
[n] p | put the text [from register x] after the cursor N times |
[n] P | Paste before the cursor |
[n] dd | Delete the current line |
diw | Delete inner word |
d$ | Delete to end of current line |
[n] D | delete the characters under the cursor until the end of the line and N-1 more lines [into register x]; synonym for "d$" |
[n] x | delete N characters under and after the cursor [into register x] |
Command | Action |
:registers | display the contents of registers |
y | yank operator |
p | put the text [from register x] after the cursor N times |
Command | Action |
:marks | list all marks |
`x | Jump to mark x |
'x | Jump to the start of the line containing mark x |
Command | Action |
:jumps | print the jump list |
C-I | same as <Tab> |
C-O | Jump one step backward within jump list |
`` | cursor to the position before latest jump |
`" | Go the position of the most recent edit prior to saving this file |
Command | Action |
:changes | print the change list |
[n] g, | go to N newer position in change list |
[n] g; | go to N older position in change list |
Command | Action |
q{0-9a-zA-Z"} | record typed characters into named register {0-9a-zA-Z"} (uppercase to append) |
q | (while recording) stops recording |
[n] @{a-z} | execute the contents of register {a-z} N times |
[n] @@ | repeat the previous @{a-z} N times |
Command | Action |
:bnext | go to next buffer in the buffer list |
:bprevious | go to previous buffer in the buffer list |
:bdelete | remove a buffer from the buffer list |
:ls | list all buffers |
Command | Action |
[n] C-W s | split current window in two parts, new window N lines high |
[n] C-W v | split current window vertically, new window N columns wide |
[n] C-W h | go to Nth left window (stop at first window) |
[n] C-W j | go N windows down (stop at last window) |
[n] C-W k | go N windows up (stop at first window) |
[n] C-W l | go to Nth right window (stop at last window) |
[n] C-W x | exchange current window with window N (default: next window) |
Command | Action |
za | open a closed fold, close an open fold |
zm | subtract one from 'foldlevel' |
zo | open fold |
zO | open folds recursively |
zc | close a fold |
zC | close folds recursively |
zr | add one to 'foldlevel' |
zR | set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold |