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Deleting Neovim Key Mappings

Deleting a key mapping is pretty simple, and uses a call signature similar to the used to [create] the key mapping in the first place: vim.keymap.del( {mode},-- string or ...

Setting Neovim Key Mappings

As Neovim has rolled out its lua API it has offered several methods of setting key mappings. A quick internet search will bring up several of them, which has led to some confusion ...

Listing Neovim Key Mappings

Occasionally we all forget which key mapping we defined for which action, and need to go review the mapping to recall. Similarly, sometimes we want to modify a key mapping ...

Neovim Key Mappings

One of Neovim's strengths is that it allows a great deal of customization, and key mappings are some of the most common features of a personal configuration. Often called ...

Customizing Neovim with EditorConfig

We saw earlier that Neovim supports EditorConfig . Neovim's EditorConfig implementation supports adding properties allowing project-local configuration to be customized ...


Neovim originated as a fork of Vim and while it continues to maintain backward-compatibility with Vim, the two projects have slightly different goals which has led them ...

Listing Neovim Auto-Commands

Listing Auto-Commands :autocmd vim.api.nvim_get_autocmds({opts}) where opts is a table containing one or more of: --opts { group,-- optional string or integer, which ...

Deleting Neovim User-Commands in Lua

Since most user-commands are created in configuration files, deleting a user-command typically required deleting, or commenting out, the code that creates it. However, ...

Creating Neovim Auto-Commands

While user-commands allow functions to be written then executed manually as needed, auto-commands allow functions to execute automatically as a result of various events ...

Deleting Neovim Auto-Commands

In most cases auto-commands are created in configuration files, so the best way to delete them is often to simply delete them code that creates them and restart Neovim. However, ...