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Groups in Neovim Patterns

When building patterns it is often helpful to group sub-patterns together, for example to use the group in alternation or to apply a quantifier . For example, A group is created ...

Look-Arounds in Neovim Patterns

Look-arounds are used to check what comes before or after, without consuming or capturing. ("Without consuming" means that matches for look-around assertions no not ...

Anchors in Neovim Patterns

By default, patterns match anywhere in a string. In many cases you want patterns to match in only specific parts of a string. For example, if you want to match words at start ...

Positive Look-behind

Positive Look-Behind patterns are look-around patterns that match only if the text immediately to the left of the match also matches the test-pattern. As with all look-around ...

Positive Look-ahead

Positive Look-Ahead patterns are look-around patterns that match only if the text immediately to the right of the match also matches the test-pattern. As with all look-around ...

Negative Look-behind

Negative Look-Behind patterns are look-around patterns that match only if the text immediately to the left of the match does not match the test-pattern. As with all look-around ...

Negative Look-ahead

Negative Look-Ahead patterns are look-around patterns that match only if the text immediately to the right of the match does not match the test-pattern. As with all look-around ...

Neovim Pattern Basics

We saw in the searching chapter that we can search for literal strings in our text. In this chapter we expand upon searching for literal strings by introducing patterns. ...

Repetition in Neovim Patterns

Many patterns include atoms that repeat multiple times. For example, to match a string with 6 letters one might define the pattern: \w\w\w\w\w\w which is both cumbersome, ...

Alternation in Neovim Patterns

If it often helpful for patterns to allow multiple atoms to match in a specific location. In patterns, this concept is often called "alternation", or the ability to have ...