Vim's internal formatting features work great in many cases, but sometimes it can be helpful to send a buffer's content to an external program to perform the formatting, then replace the buffer contents with the result.
For example, suppose we have the following JSON file in a buffer and want to sort the keys.
We will demonstrate how to achieve this using a command-line mode command that calls jq, a popular command-line JSON processor. Obviously jq needs to be installed on a system for this to work.
The command to execute is:
:%!jq -S . %
Let's break this down to review what is happening: To start, this follows the pattern:
:[range]!{cmd} {args}
specifies the range as the entire file. Next,
indicates that an external command is to be called with the specified range and arguments. In this case the external command to be called is:
jq -S . %
The details of this command are (mostly) outside the scope of Vim itself, but can be found by executing
jq --help
which indicates that the jq command is called with the format:
jq [options] <jq filter> [file]
[options] = -S (sort object keys)
<jq filter> = . (pass all lines back to stdout)
[file] = % (Vim inserts the current filename)
Now, when we execute this command we get the following result:
which contains our sorted JSON object.